
Common Sense for Community Engagement:

  • Respectful Dialogue: Engage in thoughtful and respectful discussions. Disagreements are natural, but always express differing views with courtesy and without personal attacks.
  • Stay On-Topic: Keep discussions focused on topics related to financial independence, time sovereignty, Bitcoin, and FITS-related strategies. Avoid spamming or derailing conversations.
  • No Harassment or Discrimination: Treat all members equally, regardless of their background or financial situation. Harassment, hate speech, or discriminatory remarks will not be tolerated.
  • Constructive Feedback: When offering advice or criticism, ensure it is constructive and helps others learn and grow. Negative or dismissive comments without value are discouraged.
  • Privacy Matters: Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information or solicit private details from other members.
  • Avoid Scams and Shilling: No promoting get-rich-quick schemes, investment scams, or unsolicited services. Any mention of Bitcoin or financial tools must align with the community’s core philosophy of self-sovereignty and education.

Thank you for upholding common sense and maintain a positive, open, and respectful environment for those pursuing FITS values.

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